Monday, May 7, 2012


     When I was riding to Pickering today I was listening to a new album from Yann Tiersen called 'Skyline.' The whole album reminded me a lot of Mogwai's more mellow stuff, (if you like music that puts you in the mood to walk around at night while you reflect on your frustrated romantic efforts, Mogwai is a great place to start.) You know when you hear the first couple lines of a song that you haven't heard in years but in your head you're like oh my god, I totally know this song and its going to bug the shit out of me until I find out what it is? I had the same feeling when I heard the 8th track on the album called The Trial.
     I had to pause the music and concentrate for a while to try and remember that the song was called, I couldn't remember the name of the song but I was pretty sure Sage Francas used the same track in one of his songs. When I got back home after dinner I looked it up and, yup, I was right, the song was by Sage Francis and it's called The Best of Times.

Here's the song:

       Its kinda interesting now that I'm reflecting on all of this. The only reason I know about Yann was because as I was walking from the subway last night I was listening to an NPR podcast with another song from Yann's new album. I liked the song so much that I downloaded the album after I got home but when I was listening to it initially I wasn't really paying attention to the lyrics in the song, I was too busy feeling happy. I had good music, I was walking back to my own apartment, the moon was breathtakingly beautiful... I just felt really good about my self and the song really seemed to fit my mood. I didn't know that this new artists had worked with an older one that I liked as well however, when I first heard The Best of Times, it was the worst of times. Things had gone down the drain with Vanessa, school hadn't worked out, I had no job and no sense of what I wanted in life. Songs that are hopeful in nature aren't very helpful to people who feel like they have very little to be hopeful about. 
      I always associate songs with how I was feeling when I first heard them. Like a G6 reminds me of driving around in the summer with the windows open and feeling free, A Rush of Blood reminds me of the first time I was dumped and how I felt like I'd never be the same, The Best of Times reminded me of post breakup woes and feeling like I wanted to die. I guess what I find interesting is now that I’ve heard the original track that Sage used in on this new album, an album I really like, I feel like my memory has been upgraded. Instead of associating Sage’s song with a really low time in my life, I’m going to associate with a good time in my life. 

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