Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thought for the day.

I was lying down last night with my girlfriend and we started talking about death, she said that she's not afraid to die and while I'm not either, I mentioned that I was sad that I'd probably miss the singularity and die before medical technology got to the point where no one needed to die anymore. She thought that by the time she got to 80 shed probably be tired and want to die anyways. I said I didn't want to live for ever but five hundred years would be nice. (Imagine what you could do in 500 years…)
I don't think she got me because we she didn't really have anything to say.
We fell asleep and I had a dream and I had a dream that spring was just a few weeks away

Things are good. I'm trying not to let the end of summer bum me out.

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