Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Wrap-up

New Years
I remember thinking last year around new years that I had really done nothing at all with 2011 and that 2012 was going to be a very different time in my life. 2012 was going to be about me getting my shit together, finding new friends and being more independent. I wanted to figure out what what direction I was going to take with the rest of my life and I wanted to fill some of the gaps that were taking a greater tole on me as time passed (I felt pretty lonely). I know that new years day is pretty arbitrary, (why not the solstice, wouldn’t that make sense?) but I will admit that it makes for a good day to reflect on goals and perhaps life in general. So with that in mind, I think I did pretty well for my self. I moved out, met Charlie, met lots of new people, really became way more independent and that newfound independence bred a lot of confidence. I can’t really say that my job is very fulfilling but I like the new department, the people I work with and I really the pay check too.

If retrospection is a large part of New Year traditions, so too is making the short lived resolutions! I have a few this year:
-I would like to try to become better at photography and not let my self think that I’m a douche every time I bust out my camera. 
-I am going to try and write more. Even if I don’t post things here, I’m still going to try and write more. I like writing and I think its a good skill to have.
-I need to spend more efficiently, I waste a lot of money on things I don’t need and I’d rather just save that money and do better things with it.
-Google doesn’t really inspire much confidence for my last goal, haha.  I’m going to treat my body better by trying to eat better, exercise more and drink less often. I found my self often making fatty and easily made food far too often this year and its gotta stop. I’m 25, thats far too young to let ones self go!
On a side note, I was chuckling to my self this morning watching all the people out for runs and being so grossly equipped to do so. I’m not sure if one of the runners was in a hurry or trying to work out but I saw one woman running in a fur parka.  (in my mind she gets full points for effort, FSM knows I certainly wouldn’t have survived a run this morning.)

I was trying to think of what my favorite song of the year was, but no song in particular jumped to mind, what did jump to mind was the Stuff you should Know Podcasts. Every few days they put out an awesome podcast and most of my summer listening was catching up on all the older episodes. So song of the year isn’t even a song, it goes to Josh and Chuck.

Ne'er-do-well hoodlums
Last week a group of kids tried to rob me in the subway, initially I was pretty happy to get my phone back but the further I get from day the more I seem to let the whole thing bug me. I’m not going to retell the story here because I’m sick to death of retelling the whole thing over and over but I will say that I can’t relax on the subway anymore. Most people are good but some people are real assholes.

Pictures from New Years and Christmas
Santa brought me a new lens for christmas and I’ve been using it a lot! (thanks mom and dad!)

50 Inception
Return of the bats.

I actually got a little weepy-eyed

Hot tub + beer = snow angle

And this concludes our holiday broadcast, we will now return you to your regular scheduled programming.

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