Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Boring Day Off.

A few weeks ago I got converted to full time, its crazy how an extra 20 hours a week can really make you wonder where your free time went. Most days I sleep until 12p, leave for work at 3p, leave work around 1:10a, get home at 2a, in bed by 3/4a. 
Rinse and repeat 5 times weekly. 

Aside from that not much else is new in my life these days, I’m enjoying the weather and how green everything looks, tonight is pub night so that should be good too. 

"Waiting for Life to Begin"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Birkenstock Photo-bomb

I went for a bike ride down to the lake yesterday evening so I could mess around with my camera for a little bit, I'm trying to bring my camera around with me as much as possible these days because the more I find myself getting interested in photography the more I find my self seeing things that would make an awesome picture.
Practice makes perfect.

I know i've also been posting nothing but music here lately, but I found this song on the Geeks and Beats podcast (its new but its a great podcast, you should check it out.) I've always thought that making a mix tape was the most romantic thing you could ever do for someone but in the age of iTunes and digital downloads making a mix is too easy. Anyways, this song stuck a cord with me, its definitely worth checking out.