Friday, March 16, 2012

Chicken Picard

Today I woke up feeling pretty crappy, I had a dream that my parents sold the house in Pickering and I was stuck doing tech support for voice activated google searches on bread bags, I’m not really sure if I was more upset about my parents selling the house or my apparent insanity. Anyways, after I rolled out of bed I cleaned up my apartment and decided that because it was such a nice day I’d go out and walk around the Danforth for a bit. 
So I showered and set out with my (very ambitious!) goal to get a coffee, buy some chicken for dinner and some beer for after. By the time I actually got moving I kinda wished that I had worn shorts instead of pants but I’m not about to complain about a beautiful warm day, I stopped at a nice coffee place called Crema and got a macchiato. I made it all the way to the DVP before I turned around.
Dinner was interesting today, I turned this:
Into this!
The recipe is supposed to be called chicken piccata but my inability to follow cooking instructions on the fly forced a pretty large departure from what I thought it was going to end up as. No matter! I shall call this recipe; Chicken Picard
Anyways, thats all for now. More to come soon.