Monday, March 19, 2012

Oh, The Wind Will Blow

Well, today has been a pretty big waste of a day. I woke up after a pretty bad night sleep and felt like garbage until 2pm, then I managed to eat a small piece of toast and drag my arse into the shower so I could go get my lease signed so I could vote in the bye-election. Turns out though that you can only vote in the by-election if you’ve been living in the area for more than a month. I know the liberals aren’t going to win but I feel pretty strongly about voting, everyone should make time to do it. People around the world riot so they can vote and most canadians don’t seem to care too much.
With the exception of today and feeling pretty crappy I’ve had a pretty good week, the weathers great, one of my good friends has been breaking my couch in (he’s in town to work on the by-election,) I went to a fan-effing-tastic kegger on Saturday and I got try a few restaurants on the Danforth as well.
In addition to all these fun things, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to do with my life too. I’m happy that I’ve moved out, I love the area and I feel like I’ve broken out of a really big rut but I’m worried that if I don’t keep moving with things I’ll just find my self in another rut before I even realize it. Rogers has apprenticeship programs that they’ll pay for, going back and finishing my degree is an option and college is an option too but all three options have huge lists of pros and cons. I feel confident but I have to try and keep in mind that sitting on the fence is not an option, so I’d really like to figure this out soon. All of the people I know do such interesting things, they either love their jobs (or they seem to at least,) or are going to be making boat-loads of money when they actually get jobs in the professions they studied for. I’m almost embarrassed to tell people I do tech support, I don’t look down on the job at all but I know I can do better than telling people to reboot their iPhones and to RTFM. I also started keeping 5000¥ in my wallet, I might not necessarily go to Japan this year but I’d really like to travel somewhere, the bill makes for a good reminder of that. 
Anyways, I’m feeling a little better now so I think I might go for a walk, its too nice to spend the whole day in my house. I’ll leave you with some music, I have NO idea where I downloaded from but I’m really digging this tune right now. 

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