Tuesday, March 12, 2013


ex 1
Buena mañana, lo siento que he descuidado mi blog durante tanto tiempo! (Good morning, I'm sorry I have neglected my blog for so long!) 

I’ve been meaning to post something about the trip Charlie and I went on but between the schedule change at work and my birthday I’ve been a little bit distracted. Overall the trip was fantastic, the weather was great, there were minimal flight delays, we didn’t lose any of our stuff and neither of us got sick from the food.  My only two complaints were that everything was SUPER touristy/artificial and practically every person you interacted with asked for a tip (neither of which were a surprise, it just got a bit annoying after a while.)
We spent most of the time sitting on the beach reading, listening to podcasts, enjoying they very strong drinks and soaking up the sun. On day three we decided to go on one of the pre-planned day trips which featured a bus ride out to Chichen Itza and a cool sink hole that you could jump into and swim around in. Rather than posting all the cheesy pictures (see: ex 1) I took in one long post I decided to make a TERRIBLY cheesy slide show. 

Si usted puede leer esto para satisfacer pare.
Ningún seriamente, pare ahora.
Usted no es incluso español es usted. usted está poniendo probablemente esto en un traductor en línea

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