Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Music Mix

Here's a few tunes I've really been enjoying so far this spring. Hope you like them.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Adventure Time

Working nights affords me a lot of free time during the day to do whatever I want, I spent a lot of time playing video games but after a while it makes me feel pretty brain dead. I've played a LOT of Skyrim over the past year, I've killed countless dragons, fought in a rebellion, became a dark assassin and and while its a fun game, I've essentially wasted a total of 232 hours of my life in a make-believe world while I could have been doing better things in the real world.
How awesome would it be just to drop everything for a while and go on a real adventure? I'd love to get on a motorcycle and drive out west with no real destination in mind. I'd leave my phone behind, wouldn't bother to take a map, I'd just keep going west and stop in all the places that looked interesting to me.

If you're curious, the reason I'm writing this is because I just got finished watching another Vice documentary  an adventure like this would be pretty cool too.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


When I listen to Tyler The Creator or any of OFWGKTA's music I feel pretty out of place. They rap about things I can't relate to, the average song has enough instances and variations of the word 'nigger' to make any white guy uncomfortable and to be totally honest, the beats aren't that good, I mean, they're ok I guess but they're not even close guys like Greydon Square or Blu. So superficially, Tyler doesn't seem to have too much to offer the average music consumer if you can't get over the shock value and mediocre beats. While the music is crude, violent, vulgar and disturbing, its not deviod of emotion. 
Despite feeling out of place, I really like how the music feels. The rudimentary beats and the raw emotion makes everything sound honest and thats something that I really like in music. A lot of the songs can be creepy, (see Yonkers for an even better example of creepy,) so even if I can't relate to any of the music, its normally a pretty in-depth and engaging experience.