Thursday, April 11, 2013

Adventure Time

Working nights affords me a lot of free time during the day to do whatever I want, I spent a lot of time playing video games but after a while it makes me feel pretty brain dead. I've played a LOT of Skyrim over the past year, I've killed countless dragons, fought in a rebellion, became a dark assassin and and while its a fun game, I've essentially wasted a total of 232 hours of my life in a make-believe world while I could have been doing better things in the real world.
How awesome would it be just to drop everything for a while and go on a real adventure? I'd love to get on a motorcycle and drive out west with no real destination in mind. I'd leave my phone behind, wouldn't bother to take a map, I'd just keep going west and stop in all the places that looked interesting to me.

If you're curious, the reason I'm writing this is because I just got finished watching another Vice documentary  an adventure like this would be pretty cool too.

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