Thursday, April 4, 2013


When I listen to Tyler The Creator or any of OFWGKTA's music I feel pretty out of place. They rap about things I can't relate to, the average song has enough instances and variations of the word 'nigger' to make any white guy uncomfortable and to be totally honest, the beats aren't that good, I mean, they're ok I guess but they're not even close guys like Greydon Square or Blu. So superficially, Tyler doesn't seem to have too much to offer the average music consumer if you can't get over the shock value and mediocre beats. While the music is crude, violent, vulgar and disturbing, its not deviod of emotion. 
Despite feeling out of place, I really like how the music feels. The rudimentary beats and the raw emotion makes everything sound honest and thats something that I really like in music. A lot of the songs can be creepy, (see Yonkers for an even better example of creepy,) so even if I can't relate to any of the music, its normally a pretty in-depth and engaging experience. 

1 comment:

  1. i dont know what youre talking about. i can relate to these gangsta lyrics, no problem. as we know, the thug life chose me.
    in all seriousness though, i do think that its an in-depth and engaging experience. with the exception of all of the instances of "nigger" i do think that the honesty and emotion lies in the crudeness, vulgarity and the violence. i think its disturbing because of how honest it is. and like i said the other day, that is the reason i like it so much. he sugar coats nothing and even enhances his messages with how he delivers them. i think i can relate to the music because he takes emotions that i have felt or situations that ive been in, especially in ifhy, and just lays them on the table with no apologies. i appreciate and admire that. it makes me feel a little less crazy and a little more normal.
