Sunday, January 5, 2014

Picture A Day, 2014

Yesterday while bored out of my mind at work I was thinking about my New Year’s resolutions and what I can do to keep up with them. For those of you that don’t know already, I’ve got two main goals/goal categories for this year:

-Keep going with the fitness and weight training/stop eating poorly.
-Practice/improve my photography skills, plan a few solo picture taking trips

I think the weight training and fitness goals will be easy now that the holidays are over – I pretty much stop going to the gym during the holidays because keeping a routine is far easier when you don’t have Christmas and New Year’s events coupled with irregular work schedules messing your fitness routine. My plan is to start going to the gym on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays (instead of two days a week,) and by the time spring is here I’ll be ready for swim suit season! Awwwww yisssss.

My plan for taking pictures is going to be a little more intensive. I HEREBY VOW THAT FOR EVERY DAY FOR THE RESOT OF THE YEAR I WILL TAKE AT LEAST ONE PICTURE A DAY. NO EXCUSES. To help with this I’ve started a new blog, Picture a day, 2014 
Now I’ve already missed a few days for this year and I’m pretty sure most of the pictures I take are going to be kinda boring but committing to taking a picture every day means I’m going to have to try and find new subjects and places to shoot. I’m also hoping that through this process I’ll learn some more about what works and what doesn’t, better framing, and just in general learning how to take better pictures. I don’t plan on really learning how to do post production on my shots, I understand that professional photographers need to do these kinds of things but for me the art in photography is getting the shot the way the way you want, the way it really is in the world, so as a rule none of the pictures I post on my picture a day blog will be shopped, (though they may be cropped. Maybe I should also take up rapping?) 

Another thing to note is that not every single picture is going to be taken with my dslr, some of them might be taken with my iPhone, or maybe different cameras down the line...


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