Saturday, June 2, 2012

Post Race, More Music.

Please disregard the crazy eyes.
I’m in a weird mood today. I’m not quite sad but I wouldn’t describe my self as happy either, maybe its just the weather getting me down, much of my happiness seems to be contingent on how much sunlight I get. This week was pretty boring too, the highlight was getting my hair cut, (because I was starting to feel like a wookie.) I’m going out tonight though, hopefully it will be a good time. 
The race in Ottawa last weekend was a lot of fun, I wasn’t expecting to do as well as I did but having someone to run with helped me keep pace throughout the whole run. I was fully planning on never running that far ever again until I actually finished the race - that feeling of crossing the finish line was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and now I’m not sure I could give it up that easily. One thing that I found kind of surprising was how motivating people cheering can be, I’ve never really participated in anything that necessitated cheering before but when when I ran past a crowd of people jumping and cheering it made me want to run ten times faster. Near the end of the race I ran past a couple of puddles of puked up noodles, I’m not sure if the people who puked them up understood the idea of carbo-loading. 
Dan hadn’t had a drink since he decided he wanted to run in the race, so the first thing we did when we got back was crack a beer, I slammed mine, Dan was a bit more conservative. After that we hung out for a bit and went to a bar later on. Not a bad way to finish up the weekend. 

Not a whole lot of new music in my playlist these days but here's a few tracks that I really like. So far no archetypal summer classic for me, yet. 

Valleys - Ordinary Dreams

Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built

The Tallest Man On Earth - King Of Spain

(sorry again for the crappy HTML, youtube keeps changing their style and its hella annoying)

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