Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekend update.

Busy busy busy. 
Went back to Pickering for the weekend to go hang out with a friend, go to a birthday party and then do father’s day on Sunday with the family. It was good seeing my friend from school, sometimes I go several months without really talking to people I consider good friends, I suppose its a bad habit I should break. The birthday party was really fun too (although getting there was a huge pain in the arse, traffic was mad and the AC in the car is broke’d real good-like.)
Father’s day was a lot of fun too, I got to see both of my grandfathers and spend the whole day with my dad. Papa was in a better mood than Grandad apparently, lol. 

I also too this picture on the weekend, I really liked it so I thought I’d share.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you were able to catch the mood in your pics :)
