Sure I'd never have a girlfriend ever again, and yeah it might be a little big for the size of apartment I want, but man is this desk cool.
Pictures, my thoughts on music and other things that are cool.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sure I'd never have a girlfriend ever again, and yeah it might be a little big for the size of apartment I want, but man is this desk cool.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Helios & Kash
A girl on my street died this week, I didn’t think that it was going to bother me but it really has. I’m not sure if it was just that her passing away came out of nowhere or that I regret not being as nice as I could have to her, but it really eats me up. I never feel right talking about other peoples beliefs at times like these, I find I disagree with most of the people I know on the matter. I’m not going to do my atheist rant now, that stuff doesn’t matter to me right now. Carl Sagan said that “we are a way for the cosmos to know itself,” and I’m glad that Kash and I existed at the same time.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Cap'n Crunch
EDIT: 8/2/12 Don't try this around Danielle, she'll beat the shit out of you. My arm still hurts.
Friday, January 20, 2012
My oh my its been a while since I’ve posted anything in my blog, mostly because I started playing Just Cause 2 but also because nothing that amazing has happened to me in the last few days. Last weekend was a boatload of fun and today I went and looked at two apartments with my dad. Neither of them were very impressive, both of them were like 12x12 cells that made canadian correctional facilities look like the Burj Dubai. The hunt continues though!
I was going to try and write this whole thing on why I think album reviews are useless but I’m too tired and brain-dead for that right now. If you’re bored I have two things for you to check out, the first is Low Life and the second is this music video. Low Life has a LOT of great music on it, I’ve downloaded a few of the mixes and the music they post fantastic so far. The second is Mothers vs Sons, I couldn’t find the album version online but I found this and I think I like it better anyways.
I think this weekend I might go walk around downtown and look for a place to rent on foot, you know, bixi-bike this ish up. (Thats what the cool kids are saying these days, right?)
Mothers vs Sons,
Friday, January 13, 2012
You are now listening to AraabMUZIK
Last year I started listening to Araabmuzic and while I hate the spelling and hate how when I listen to it in the car it makes me want to grossly violate speed limits, I love the music. When I was trying to think of some words to describe the album it occurred to me that the name of the album already said it best, so if you haven't had a chance to listen to Electronic Dream I'd highly recommend it. Its the perfect example of onomatopoeia. Anyway, I was delighted to wake up to an iTunes store alert for a new album coming out this month: Instrumental University. I listened to a few of the samples and it sounds great, I'm sure it'll be worth the purchase.
(When I think about Araabmuzik my inner monologe voice changes to Chevy Chase's voice, it just sounds like something he'd say on Community.)
Instrumental University
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Toronto Tempo
I love every single thing about this video. I really love the song, I love the city, I love the style. It's amazing.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I waste a lot of my time on reddit, over the past year its really turned into a big meme generating, circle jerking cat lovers, but there are still a lot of interesting things that get posted there from time to time. r/Music is one of the subreddits that’s become kinda lame but a while ago someone posted a youtube video and the title of the post was something to the effect of “Yeah, this is pretty much how all my first dates go too”
Here’s the video but be careful, its very nsfw… (like, really really nsfw. Dad, you might want to skip this one.)
I have no idea what any of the music video actually means, if you just listen to the music the lyrics aren’t really that clear either. Any way you look at it though the song is pretty catchy.
I have new goals for getting in shape too. In the morning I’m going to start doing P90X again and I’m going to start going for runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after work. I’m not going to do the whole P90X routine, I think half of it is more than enough for someone in my shape. (I mean that in the most self deprecating way.) I’m also going to give up all fast food and drinking more than 1-2 beers at a time.
I’m not sue how well the no beer thing is going to go, but I really want to get in good shape before May rolls around.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Running update:
No good things come easy I guess. Every year when I start running again I normally have a really hard time getting back into it and this year was no different. After about 5 minutes of running on Tuesday I had actually stop and catch my breath, today was a bit better but not by much.
I think I might try listening to some more dubstep, this indie pop/folk stuff isn’t that great for running to.
<-- Kinda felt like this today -__-
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I want to run so fast things look blue from my point of view
My main new years resolution is to run more, partly because I like running, partly because its a healthy past time and partly because its beginning to looks like I'm trying to smuggle a small bag of marshmallows under my skin through airport security. What better way to force my self to follow up with my resolution than to register in the Ottawa Race weekend! Its a 10k run through Ottawa and it was only 40 bucks to register.
I plan on keeping track of my of my progress here, as it is right now I can do about 15 pushups, ~10 situps, and run about 4km. So, We'll see how this goes, I certainly have lots of room for improvement.
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