Saturday, January 28, 2012

Helios & Kash

I’ve been listening to a lot mellow music this week because I’ve (for the most part,) become nocturnal and don’t care to listen to too much up-beat stuff. One album that seems to work pretty well is call Eingya by a band called Helios, I saw them on youtube in a related video and thought I’d give them a listen. If you need something mellow but still like a little bit of beat I’d give’m a listen. I liked the album art too. 

I’ve also been thinking a lot about this lovely little device. You can get memory cards for these things that are over 100 gigs, do you have any idea what I could do with that? It can shoot 1080p at 60fps… crazy stuff indeed. 

A girl on my street died this week, I didn’t think that it was going to bother me but it really has. I’m not sure if it was just that her passing away came out of nowhere or that I regret not being as nice as I could have to her, but it really eats me up. I never feel right talking about other peoples beliefs at times like these, I find I disagree with most of the people I know on the matter. I’m not going to do my atheist rant now, that stuff doesn’t matter to me right now. Carl Sagan said that “we are a way for the cosmos to know itself,” and I’m glad that Kash and I existed at the same time. 

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