Friday, January 20, 2012

My oh my its been a while since I’ve posted anything in my blog, mostly because I started playing Just Cause 2 but also because nothing that amazing has happened to me in the last few days. Last weekend was a boatload of fun and today I went and looked at two apartments with my dad. Neither of them were very impressive, both of them were like 12x12 cells that made canadian correctional facilities look like the Burj Dubai. The hunt continues though!

I was going to try and write this whole thing on why I think album reviews are useless but I’m too tired and brain-dead for that right now. If you’re bored I have two things for you to check out, the first is Low Life and the second is this music video. Low Life has a LOT of great music on it, I’ve downloaded a few of the mixes and the music they post fantastic so far. The second is Mothers vs Sons, I couldn’t find the album version online but I found this and I think I like it better anyways. 

I think this weekend I might go walk around downtown and look for a place to rent on foot, you know, bixi-bike this ish up. (Thats what the cool kids are saying these days, right?)

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