Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I waste a lot of my time on reddit, over the past year its really turned into a big meme generating, circle jerking cat lovers, but there are still a lot of interesting things that get posted there from time to time. r/Music is one of the subreddits that’s become kinda lame but a while ago someone posted a youtube video and the title of the post was something to the effect of “Yeah, this is pretty much how all my first dates go too”
Here’s the video but be careful, its very nsfw… (like, really really nsfw. Dad, you might want to skip this one.)

I have no idea what any of the music video actually means, if you just listen to the music the lyrics aren’t really that clear either. Any way you look at it though the song is pretty catchy. 


I have new goals for getting in shape too. In the morning I’m going to start doing P90X again and I’m going to start going for runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after work. I’m not going to do the whole P90X routine, I think half of it is more than enough for someone in my shape. (I mean that in the most self deprecating way.) I’m also going to give up all fast food and drinking more than 1-2 beers at a time. 
I’m not sue how well the no beer thing is going to go, but I really want to get in good shape before May rolls around. 

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