Around this time last year I was listening to an NPR all songs considered podcast about the host’s favorite music of the year. The best song I heard on the podcast came right at the perfect moment, I was in a mellowed mood, I was driving late at night and the air was still really crisp and cool in the car. The song started slow with just a piano and a man singing and it ended with a soul destroying crescendo of reverb and pain. Kettering is a song I’ll never be able to forget.
I love NPR’s yearly roundup of the best music so I though I’d make a list of all the great music I’ve found this year. I’m pretty sure most of this isn’t actually new music, but its new to me and its all really, really good stuff. So, here is my new to me playlist for 2011 in no particular order..
Threnody by Goldmund. When I first heard this it was mixed with a lecture from Alan Watts about nothingness, since then I’ve become a fan of both Watts and Goldmund.
Soak It Up by Houses. This became my unofficial song of the summer, good for night driving with the windows open.
SDP by The Kissaway Trail. I really really like this song, its like the European version of the Arcade Fire. The bells make this feel so dramatic.
Kisses by Kisses. I heard about this band from another podcast I listen to from time to time. The mood doesn’t really match the lyrics but I think thats what I like most about it.
If you want it by TV Girl. I’m not sure where I heard these guys first but they’re definitely one of my favorite bands of all times now. They don’t have a huge amount of music but every song by them is golden.
Before by Washed Out. This is another summer favorite
Montana Youth Lagoon. Have you ever felt like you’re in a movie when you’re listening to a song? If not listen to this and go for a walk in the woods, you’ll know what I’m talking about when you do. (this music video is really cool too.)
Golden Touch by Araabmuzik. If you can get over the spelling this is a pretty cool track, especially great if you like up-beat music on your runs.
Dawn On the Side Nujabes. Jun Seba was killed in 2010 and has a song in my top 5 favorite songs of all times. This week and album of some of his unreleased music came out, the whole album is solid.
At Home by Crystal Fighters. I heard this on our last night out at the end of August, good times with good friends indeed.
Goodbye by Glen Porter. This is the guy who made a lot of the music for Departures.
To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra. This, like Threnody, was a song i heard mixed in with a good speech.
Ok so you know the old spice guy? Good. Now read this next part in you mind with his voice.
From now on I’m going to try and post more often about music. I’ll probably get lazy and just post videos from time to time, but I promise I”ll try to make sure the music is awesome.
You know what would make this even more amazing? ...if it was tumblr. :p