Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just a quick update today.

Yesterday Christopher Hitchens died of cancer, I never read any of his books or followed his career that much but from I did know about him I could tell he was a good guy. I try not to idolize people in the atheist community because I really feel that as soon as we start down that road atheism will start to look like just any another religion from the outside, complete with its own creation stories, idols and angels. When we remember Hitchens we should remember him as a man and not some kind of great atheist figure because in reality thats all he was. In having said that, the next scotch I drink will certainly be raised in his name. 

Whenever someone dies its hard to let them go but I try to view it as a reminder on how I’m still here and that I should make the most out of the time I have. Life is finite, eventually it’s going to end. Take some risks, do the things that scare you, read some good books and listen to some good music. 

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