Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lots on my mind tonight, I’ve been trying to go to sleep earlier these days but when I don’t work until 5pm ever day it makes it hard to get out of bed at reasonable hour. Every day it seems I stay up a little later and then sleep in a little more. Normally I watch Cosmos when I’m getting tired but tonight it seems I’m doomed with mopey restlessness. I suppose the least I can do is make a quick playlist of some of my favorite mopey music.

On my Feet - Eels

Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground

Sway - Voxtrot

Porcelain - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

It Happens in Florida - Dog is Blue
It Happens in Florida (A Burning Hell Cover) by Dog Is Blue

Sorry for the shoddy HTML, I'll try to get better at this. If you have the time take a look at Dog is Blue's music, all of their music is really great and the two members are really nice people. Of course,  my only real hope is that you're as bummed as I am after listening to all of this :P

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